Ride with me 1B -SPED

The course introduces concepts of useful words  through different sets of exercises.

Price  : र 1450

Validity : 1 Month

About Course: The course is meant for beginners for easy developement of verbal concepts.

Course Overview

The course is set with 7 different goals.
Goal 1 Attention building
Learning to attend to pictures .
Goal 2. Vocabulary development.
Naming Common words and understanding prepositions
Goal 3. Understanding commands.
Learning to answer instructions and commands.
Goal 4  .Letter Identification
Learning to notice spelling
Goal 5. Sequencing .
Learning to sequence letters.
Goal 6. Contextual comprehension.
Reading with the help of context.
Goal 7. Reading
Better recognition of words that will motivate to reading.

Associated Trial Exams:

Exam TitleNumber of QuestionsExam Duration
I spy with my eyes- My first talk series
Can I spell 3
Can I spell 4
Can I spell 5